EDUCATION IS NOT A HAIRCUT and other uncomfortable truths about student responsibility and one-size-fits-all education strategies

Write a 1,000-word persuasive essay and a 10-page research paper, work out quadratic equations, explain cellular respiration, describe Rembrandt's style and use of light and shadow, analyze the causes of WWI, and prove the Pythagorean Theorem.
Just hold your head still, please!

If only teaching and learning were this simple!
Someone can give you a haircut against your will;It happens on sports teams, in fraternities, and in the military, all the time. You can be given a haircut while you sleep.
In fact, you can be given a complete haircut without doing anything else besides sitting down and holding your head reasonably still.
Could a person be given AN EDUCATION in the same way?
Of course not.
Acquiring an education is a very ACTIVE process, and not at all a passive activity. In truth, one could say, that without active participation of the "recipient", NO ONE could be "given" an education.
So it is safe to say that an
EDUCATION IS NOT A HAIRCUT. Not at all. Not even close.
An education is something that is ACHIEVED, and not merely received, like a haircut or a shoe-shine, or an appendectomy.
It is assembled. It is BUILT--One day at a time, one assignment at a time, one experience at a time.
So why, then, are STUDENTS so seldom held accountable when test scores are low, or "too many" kids fail, or drop out?
It seems like it is ALWAYS "The School's", or "The Teacher's" fault (note: NEVER the politicians, though).
Sometimes it IS the fault of the school or teacher, but from my experiences, it is usually, NOT.
And many school actions and policies related to the classroom are administered on an almost totally "supply-side" concept, with teachers often dealt with and thought of (by administrations and politicians) as mere "deliverers" of curricula to vast numbers of passive "recipients"----As if the student's state of participation were always constant, as with some emotionless, ever-predictable "widget", or machine!
Facing large numbers of low-motivated-to-UNmotivated kids in the current test-score-crazy environment can be a lonely feeling, even for a veteran teacher, feeling so distant from the lofty powers-that-be that send down the standards and expectations so frequently, and sometimes, so arbitrarily.
But this is not to deny that, just like ballplayers, golfers and musicians, some teachers are better than others; Some are much better. A few are crap; some are brilliant.And ALL teachers can keep learning and improving, no matter how long they've already been at it. Just like it is in many other professions, I suspect.
But most teachers I have seen in 25+ years in education are pretty decent at it, or even quite solid----MORE than good enough to teach meaningful skills and knowledge to almost any kid who cares enough to listen, follow directions, ask for help when needed, and work on assignments until they are done.
As critical as I have been of schools, politicians and administrative policies, and a hostile media, I must share this disturbing fact with you:
The most frequent and ubiquitous barrier to learning in classrooms today is----The student.
In some classes I have seen, as many as 1/3 to 1/2 of the class sits passively throughout the lesson, and if not pushed constantly by the teacher, won't even write a word down on the paper. These same students seldom turn in homework as well, and usually fail the class, often not even coming close to passing, in spite of having no particular learning disability or lack of intelligence.
Surely, it would be amazing to the opinionated politicians, pundits and many loud critics of public Education to actually experience how many kids sit inertly in class, completely ignoring any instruction that is going on, and only showing energy or enthusiasm in defying, or bogging-down the teacher when the teacher takes time out from the lesson (and valuable time away from the cooperative students) to try and get the "non-workers" involved, most often to no avail.
To be fair, most of my teaching experience has been in low-income schools, where these problems are more common.
And certainly, it is understandible when Johnny-X, who may have witnessed something as harrowing as seeing his father punching his mother around the kitchen that morning in a screaming rage, may be a little too distracted to focus on writing his essay dealing with character motivation in "The Scarlet Ibis" that day. (Another all-to-frequent reason is when a student admits to a "hangover", but that is another topic).
But overall, teachers must learn to balance their compassion for kids' hardships with the firmness necessary to move a class forwards towards worthwhile, or even "lofty" educational goals.
I said, A CLASS.
Classroom teachers do not generally have the luxury of just being able to stop everything to meet the needs of 1 student--That is what counseling sessions and afterschool 1-on-1 meetings are for.
And school outsiders would be shocked at just how few academically needy teenagers are unwilling to come in for help or makeup work afterschool, even if just for a few minutes!
Outsiders would also be stunned at how many parents of failing students seem to never get the grade reports which are mailed or taken home each quarter--The student intercepts them!
Shockingly, I've talked to the astonished parents of seniors, literally hundreds of credits short of graduation (due to chronic fails in coursework)----Parents who had never seen a report card from the school!
OK, obviously these sound like dysfunctional families, and parents lacking even basic trust and communication with their own children. Tragic. But all too common.
Over the years, my biggest struggles in the high school classroom have not been about how to teach writing better, or to get a piece of literature across, or to teach an important concept well (that is the FUN part of teaching, and the kids who are engaged, generally get it).
Unfortunately, some of the biggest challenges have been more on the level of how to get Jimmy, Jerry and Marie to bring materials to class, to sit in their assigned seat, or just to cease their nonstop socializing and follow simple directions for the assignment. And now, in the age of the cellphone, the miniature video game and ever-smaller digital music headphone systems, the challenges are even greater.
I know this sounds like mundane stuff. But this mundane stuff is stifling the education of, I would guess, perhaps a few million students coast-to-coast.
Discipline is part of teaching, and probably always will be. At least until Utopia is achieved.
But simple classroom management these days seems harder than it has ever been in my quarter-century in the classroom.
I have talked to teachers in many schools, and these problems are common in all but the most highly-academic environments.
In low-income areas, they can seem epidemic.
And that brings me to my second point, about one-size-fits-all education strategies so common these days.
It seems that my high school, and most others I know of, now seem to be oriented towards aiming every child toward a college education.
Vocational programs and trades-training are a thing of the past in many schools, leaving kids who are not academically-oriented basically hung out to dry.
Let's face it--Not everyone loves to read and has an academic leaning.
So-called "book-learnin'" is not for everyone.
Just like everyone is not an athlete, everyone is not a natural handyman/gadget-fixer, or master craftsman/woman.
But academic test scores and college admission rates are where the money and status is for schools, so now it's ACADEMICS FOR EVERYONE, better or worse.
Back in the 50s and 60s when I was in school, there were plenty of kids who were not academic--They weren't lacking in intelligence, they just weren't folks who loved reading, writing, thinking and analyzing--Academic concerns.
Can and will society accept that some folks are simply this way and can't, or won't, be changed?
But in the past they made perfectly good electricians and mechanics, contractors and yes, factory-workers.
But most of America's factories have long-since departed overseas in the constant search for cheap labor, leaving many non-academic people with few alternatives but to pursue an education they actually do not want in their hearts, and which they will only halfheartedly "attain".
Sure, some kids will fight the educational process, and disrupt classrooms, and intercept their failing report cards before their parents can read them,and refuse to cooperate with the teacher, and fail to do their homework, and if they graduate at all, graduate with minimal skills.
A good part of the responsibility for failure will ALWAYS be the student's, because education is not a haircut.
But how much less an obstacle to their own education would they be, if schools started offering a wider spectrum of career and skills training, to address the wide spectrum of living, breathing human beings we have in our society.
Currently, the way many schools are set up to operate seems to be based firmly on the notion of the educational process being administered, unfortunately, like a haircut---All "supply-side" emphasis and the same track and goals for nearly every student.
Someday, perhaps our society will regain its sincerity about education, give up on the "everybody is on college-track", one-size-fits-all fantasy of today's test-score-obsessed educational policies, and then we will find out just how many of our kids will still want to fight the process of their own education.
One size does not, and never will, fit all.
Even if every child in every school loved reading and was intensely academic, the sad truth is that there are not nearly enough college-degree-type jobs for them--not even close, as this article reminds us:
Various criticisms and
doubts regarding the one-size-fits-all
approach to education:
A teacher's devastating critique of NCLB:
Maybe we have to go through this stage of privitization of Public Schools,
and actually LOSE them for awhile, to appreciate what we had.
Then, perhaps, seeing that private business can do no better,
and probably will do WORSE, due to the
inevitable limitations imposed by the profit motive,
society will decide to bring back Public Ed in a whole new form--
Far more relevant, realistic, and un-tainted by greed,
or other non-educational concerns.
Ofcourse, there's no guarantee Pub Ed will come back after being privatized,
but it could happen that way.
At least, that's what I'm hoping for, since nothing seems
able to change the current direction we're heading in.
Private schools and voucher/charter schools will never be able
to handle the bottom-functioning 1/3 of the public school population.
They will just kick them out (after fighting, grafiti, truancy,
drug-dealing, you-name-it) & throw 'em right back into
some hell-hole of a public school, where they'll be stuck with the kid.
Private schools can't work miracles any more than public schools can.
The big difference will be that private/charter schools will
be able to simply get rid of the least-functional students, and
probaly handicapped/disabled too.
Opinion-Report from the trenches…(somewhere in
Southern CA)
The School Reform (“Deform”) movement is stunting
the education of
countless American children.
The questions students ask nowadays are decidedly different from the questions they used to ask before the Ed-Deform movement.
One of my best students asks about a brief essay question that was to be answered in a 1 to 2 paragraphs:
How many sentences should there be?
That is a question I never heard before about 2002 or so.
Other kids routinely ask about ANY extended piece of writing:
How many paragraphs is that supposed to be?
Every single time I give a paragraph-answer question on a topic that includes the phrase, “In your opinion, is this moral and ethical?” the inevitable response from most of the class will be:
“What does ‘moral and ethical’ mean?”
They don’t even remember from when it came up in my own past classes, probably because the omission of this aspect in every other class effectively erases it from their memories.
I feel like I have become a “bad boy”, an outcast, for trying to teach the concept of “Moral” or “ethical” as personal judgements to be aware of!
Sorry, it’s a bad habit of mine. I know I need to let go of such things from the past.
The Standards-based narrowing of the curriculum is having a definite result----
What is most disturbing is that some of the best students are showing these signs of inferior education; They are learning not to trust their own judgement, in fear of not getting the right answer. Our brightest kids are being taught to be timid.
It is clear that substantive, in-depth education is being largely ”lost in the sauce” of the virtual mud-slide of SDAIE techniques, lesson-scaffolding, graphic organizers and other complications that teaching to THE STANDARDS has mandated.
Looks like mission accomplished for the 1% who prefer their citizenry barefoot, ignorant and devoid of all deep questions.
Eli, Bill and Arnie have pulled us into what must be their own educational
wet-dream for all the “little people” below them.
Hopefully, though, the children will retain the memory of what terms like phonemes and graphemes are (remember how useful these terms have been in your life?), and how test-question makers always have a “distractor” answer among the multiple-choice answers intended to foil the student. Now there’s a gem for you.
Valuable life knowledge, no doubt.
The public school students of today will also remember their teachers, principal, administrators and coordinators BEGGING THEM:
“Please, oh please, get those test scores up!”
So, they are also learning that adults in authority positions (teachers, administrators, mayors, etc) can be made to beg, lie down, roll-over and crawl on their bellies like reptiles, in tribute to ever-distant Powers-That-Be.
What a bunch of wimps!
I should also note that kids in general seem to need to visit the restroom a lot more these days----At least two to three times the rate I observed
from pre- circa 2005 levels.
I’ll leave the reader to decide whatever that means.
We are teaching our children minutiae instead of knowledge, bits of information instead of CONCEPTS, little stuff, at the expense of “big stuff”.
At this rate, America should be a 4th-rate power by 2025.
But at least the upper 1% Elite Investors will be richer--Thank God for that!
The lessons we are presently teaching America’s children will have a societal blowback, this is certain. My advice to adults is to look for it---In coming years, WATCH THE KIDS. What to look for? The Gift of Vapidity.
And, let’s give credit where it’s due----All courtesy of the School-Reform-Deform Movement.
Sincerely yours,
From The Trenches.
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