This Blog is intended as a meeting place where teachers from all over the USA can come and post their ACTUAL EXPERIENCES AT THEIR SCHOOL with the various reform laws, policies and programs that currently are inundating public schools all over the country.
These include NCLB, the nationwide Standards push, schedule "reforms" and any other significant policy that may be affecting YOUR TEACHING and YOUR SCHOOL, either positively or negatively.
We are especially looking for (honest and truthful, obviously) accounts, including any anecdotal information you can share, as to how a particular program or policy is impacting YOU (as the teacher) and YOUR ACTUAL, LIVING BREATHING STUDENTS.
I myself have been a secondary school teacher for 25 years in California. I have many impressions and opinions myself, but the real purpose of this Blog is not so much to share MY experiences, as to gather experiences and opinions from teachers all over the country.
I do not aspire to be a world-class Blogger such as an Atrios or KOS or any other of the famous Bloggers.
To be honest, I'm not nearly as good a journalist or opinion-shaper as those folks.
That is not my purpose.
Instead, I look to YOU, my fellow American teachers, for YOUR opinions, information, insights and amazing, but true stories of what the current wave of change, reform and challenges to public education is doing in ACTUAL SCHOOLS.
If the truth is ugly--Share it. If a disclosure is shocking--Disclose it.
Of course, If you have joy to share as well as horror, share that too.
It is my deeply-held belief that the general public does not really grasp what is happening in American
public education today.
This Blog is intended to clear up the mysteries, expose the frauds, and TELL THE TRUTH.
Initially, I plan not to restrict postings in any way.
If chronic abuse starts happening, then I will change that policy. But for now, this forum is free and clear
for anyone to share their thoughts and anecdotes about what is happening at their school. Feel free to post anonymously if you desire.
I will express my own views to some degree, but mainly, I will try to kick off things by posting links to a few articles and/or sites which I feel are pertinent to an honest discussion and honest sharing.
OK, Teachers. This is YOUR FORUM.
It's time to share some TRUTH.
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