The Censoring of Teachers----An Ominous Trend?

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I wanted to share this piece by Julie Hilden
at Counterpunch.
Alas...Just a sign of the times.
"Teachers are going to have political positions. If they teach inherently political subjects -- like Social Studies, Bennish's subject, or Government, Kyle's subject--it's senseless and oppressive to force them to hide these beliefs. We wouldn't do it to students--who surely can't constitutionally be punished for voicing political sentiments in class. Restricting the speech of the very teachers who are supposed to help define and referee the free speech arena for students would be ironic at best, and tragic at worst.
It's also counterproductive: When teachers must present arguments they think are dead wrong as if they were just as compelling as those with which they passionately agree, students will easily catch on to what's really going on. The only thing gained will be an atmosphere of taboo for the teachers: 'Oooh, Ms. Green let slip she's a Republican in Civics! Like we didn't already know.' "
And it's happening in colleges as well:
Another article on the topic:,,1746227,00.html
And here's one, with even a spot of humor amidst the craziness, from Kansas:
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