Was the KATRINA disaster a BLESSING for those who want to PRIVATIZE Public Education?

Powerful politicians and wealthy corporate interests are apparently combining their forces and connections to exploit one of the greatest disasters in American history, in order to transfer (read: STEAL) Americans' tax dollars and hand them over to private concerns. WHY?
In order to, ultimately, on the pretense of educating children,
enrich stockholders and CEOs (which is, unarguably, the primary goal of all private corporations).
Scared yet? Perhaps you should be.
Read this:
Within days of Katrina, Gov. Kathleen Blanco (D) convened a special meeting of the state legislature to talk about a takeover
of the Orleans Parish Public School District, a district with a half-billion dollar budget serving New Orleans, the summit's keynote speaker, Nat LaCour, secretary treasurer of the
American Federation of Teachers, told the gathering.
"This meeting took place while there were still people on roofs and at the Superdome waiting to be rescued," said White.
A few months later, the state legislature passed legislation giving the state control of 107 of New Orleans' 128 public schools, by placing them under the authority of the Recovery School District (RSD).
Orleans Parish's public schools have now been divided into three categories: public, (privately run) charter, and the Recovery School District. A school receives the RSD designation if it is categorized as "failing", in some cases receiving the label only after a change in criteria since the hurricane. RSD schools are then managed by the state, not the local school board, and may be turned over to private foundations or other groups to be run as charter schools. Of the 57 public schools set to operate in New Orleans this school year, more than 30 are charter schools.

Is Public Education HELPLESS in the face of a POWER-POLITICS/CORPORATE NEXUS?